Couples Therapy
I provide couples therapy to people who are married, living together, or engaged. Every relationship hits a challenging place from time to time. I will help you rebuild your relationship despite the worry that there may be no path back to happiness.
You will learn to understand the negative pattern of behaviors that you are stuck in. By slowing things down and exploring the emotions, perceptions and deep, core needs that lie hidden below the reactive behavior, you will begin to understand yourself and your partner.
Most importantly, Emotionally Focused Therapy will help you learn to express your needs in a way that your partner can hear and respond to, as well as reach for your partner when you are feeling disconnected or alone.
During our Couples Counseling sessions, you will learn to understand the negative pattern of behaviors that you find yourselves stuck in. By slowing things down and exploring the emotions, perceptions and deep, core needs that lie hidden below the reactive behavior, you will begin to understand yourself and your partner in an “Aha” way.
Each person is responsible for their side of the relationship and working with Emotionally Focused Therapy you will learn to shift from blaming your partner to looking at your own triggers and reactivity in a more mindful and calm way. We will explore how each of you gets caught in a negative pattern of blame, disconnection, and distrust. You will develop the skill to let your partner know about your upset without the negative feedback loop being activated. Most importantly, Emotionally Focused Therapy will help you to be able to learn to express your needs in a way that your partner can hear and respond to, and to help you to reach for your partner when you are feeling disconnected or alone.
With support and time, you will come to be able to shift the dynamic of the destructive cycle to one that encourages connection, trust, and safety. You and your partner will feel that you are enriched by your relationship and that it provides you with energy so that you can truly enjoy the world around you and all the joys and wonders that it holds.
Therapy is an investment in your relationship and in your family. While there is no 100% sure-fire model for working with couples to restore happiness, Emotionally Focused Therapy is the Gold Standard of Couples Counseling and has been shown to be highly effective with most couples. I have witnessed tremendous healing in couples that engage in therapy. You can find a summary of Emotionally Focused Therapy research in the Resource section.
You CAN build a bridge back to love!
It is my goal to help you have fun with your partner and revive the initial spark that brought the two of you together. I have a powerful track record in helping couples rebuild their relationship and I hope that you will contact me to help you and your partner to build trust, security, and intimacy. You deserve to be in a happy relationship with the love of your life!

You will learn to:
Understand the pattern of repetitive arguments that have caught you and your partner or family members
Respond effectively when you’ve been triggered
Ask the right questions to understand each other’s intentions
Successfully work together to resolve the problems that arise between you
Resolve conflict and create harmony
Communicate with love, care and respect so that each of you feels heard
Learn how to ask for your needs to be met
Understand your differences and enhance the areas you have in common
Re-establish love and deepen intimacy
Regain a secure, safe attachment with your partner or family members
Contact Me
Email me at Catherine@catherine-morris.com to schedule a brief phone consultation. If we feel that we are a good fit, we can schedule an appointment to start creating the relationship that you’ve been yearning for.